To read county names, click map to enlarge. |
They know that Mike Gronstal and Senate Democrats will again block
their effort to make gay couples strangers to the law.
They know they're just wasting more of the Iowa legislature's time and your money.
No matter.
Even if it means tilting at windmills, they want those of you who are gay or who have gay friends or relatives, to know that they
still want to strip all Iowa gay couples of
every right that could possibly be extended via marriage equality
or civil unions
or domestic partnerships.
This year, the ringleader is Dennis Guth, a official of the
Iowa Family Leader (yeah, Bob Vander Plaats' gang).
If any of these individuals purports to represent you (see district map above), why not send him or her or it an email at the address below with the subject line
Marriage Equality? You can call them at the statehouse at
(515)281-3371, too.
Here is what to say, suggests
OneIowa: (Remember, OneIowa's url is OneIowa.org — OneIowa.com was purchased by an anti-gay rights group.)
Call your Senators
The Senate switchboard phone number is
515-281-3371. Call today or tomorrow between 9 am and 3 pm, and
remember, Senators are out on Fridays! Click here to find your Senator. Or, if you prefer to email your legislator, click here.
When you call, ask if your Senator was one of the 18 who signed onto
the marriage ban. Here's a few talking points to get you started:
- The introduction of SJR5 is political grandstanding and is shameful.
Our families deserve better than to be used by a few Senators as
political pawns.
- We don't support the passage of any marriage ban. Our legislators
should be focusing on creating jobs, strengthening our economy, and
making our schools better, not spending time passing legislation that
hurts families.
- If your Senator didn't support SJR5: Thank you for representing ALL Iowa families. {SHARE YOUR STORY}
- If your Senator did support SJR5: Ask them to remember that
a majority of Iowans do not support the legislature taking action on
this. Remind them that LGBT people are our coworkers, our friends, our
family members, our spouses. Share your story and ask them to focus on
the issues that matter to Iowans: jobs, the economy, and education.
Row 1:
Dennis Guth (Dist. 4) dennis.guth@legis.iowa.gov
Mark Segebart (Dist. 6) mark.segebart@legis.iowa.gov
Jake Chapman (Dist. 10) jake.chapman@legis.iowa.gov
Amy Sinclair (Dist. 14) amy.sinclair@legis.iowa.gov
Row 2:
Bill Anderson (Dist. 3) bill.anderson@legis.iowa.gov
Mark Chelgren (Dist. 41) mark.chelgren@legis.iowa.gov
Jack Whitver (Dist. 19) jack.whitver@legis.iowa.gov
Nancy Boettger (Dist. 9) nancy.boettger@legis.iowa.gov
Row 3:
David Johnson (Dist. 1) david.johnson@legis.iowa.gov
Jerry Behn (Dist. 24) jerry.behn@legis.iowa.gov
Ken Rozenboom (Dist. 40) ken.rozenboom@legis.iowa.gov
Randy Feenstra (Dist. 2) randy.feenstra@legis.iowa.gov
Row 4:
Kent Sorenson (Dist. 13) kent.sorenson@legis.iowa.gov
Roby Smith (Dist. 47) roby.smith@legis.iowa.gov
Rick Bertrand (Dist. 7) rick.bertrand@legis.iowa.gov
Joni Ernst (Dist. 12) joni.ernst@legis.iowa.gov
Row 5:
Sandra Greiner (Dist. 39) sandra.greiner@legis.iowa.gov
Hubert Houser (Dist. 11) hubert.houser@legis.iowa.gov