Annette Sweeney, Dist. 44, Iowa House |
Last year, she voted to advance an amendment to Iowa's constitution to ban same sex marriage AND civil unions AND domestic partnerships. When Ms. Sweeney sets out to screw her gay constituents, she goes whole hog.
Following the lead of Burger King, Wendy's, Hardee's, Wolfgang Puck and Chipotle's, McDonald's has become the latest chain to require pork suppliers to stop confining pregnant sows for months in crates too small to turn around in. Chipotle's aired the following commercial during the recent Grammy Award broadcast.
The video below was made between April and June of 2011 by an undercover investigator from Mercy for Animals who documented the abusive treatment of pigs and piglets at Iowa Select Farms in Kamrar, IA. Iowa Select is the fourth-largest pork producer in the USA.
Caution: This is very difficult to watch. You may just want to read the following description, from Abuses documented by the investigator included:
Last year, the Iowa General Assembly passed "Ag-Gag" legislation introduced by Representative Annette Sweeney of Alden, that would send to jail those who surreptitiously document the type of animal abuse contained in the following video, which exposes outrageously cruel treatment of pigs.
- Mother sows confined to barren metal crates barely larger than their own bodies – unable to turn around or lie down comfortably for nearly their entire lives
- Workers ripping out the testicles of conscious piglets without the use of painkillers
- Piglets suffering with herniated intestines, due to botched castration
- Conscious piglets having their tails painfully sliced into and yanked off with dull clippers
- Large, open, pus-filled wounds and pressure sores
- Sick and injured pigs left to languish and slowly die without proper veterinary care
- Mother pigs – physically taxed from constant birthing – suffering from distended, inflamed, bleeding, and usually fatal uterine prolapses
- Management training workers to throw piglets across the room – comparing it to a "roller coaster ride"
Learn why "Ag-Gag" laws, like the one introduced by GOP Rep. Sweeney, are dangerous for the environment, free speech, consumers, labor, and animals.
The following video, shot by WHO-TV at the Iowa State Capitol, shows Representative Sweeney dismantling an Iowa Voters for Companion Animals display showing a photo of alleged animal abuse. The group considered filing a formal complaint against Rep. Sweeney.
She picked up their literature and took down one of their posters. Members of the group later replaced the materials. Sweeney called the poster an inaccurate representation.
She's one dangerous ego busting babe. She's in Grundy County now, there is no place in a civilized, humane society for the mindset of Annette Sweeney.