Saturday, March 16, 2013

Video: Family First of Nebraska's Dave Bydalek tries to trick Unicameral's Judiciary Committee with bogus Regnerus Study; Brad Ashford not fooled

Note: audio more easily understood via headphones. Also: State Senator asks ex-gay at Nebraska antiLGBT bias bill hearing if he enjoyed the gay sex he used to have, causing Christers to erupt angrily in the first of two outbursts, after which they were told to behave or the room would be cleared.

The scholarly merit of the laughable Regnerus Study has been questioned by 200 PhDs and MDs; it was concocted to influence the gay marriage debate now before the Supreme Court and it was called "bullshit" by an editor of the very journal that published it, Darren E. Sherkat, who was assigned to audit the study after the uproar it caused.
     The prestigious American Sociological Association ripped apart the junk science of the Regnerus "research" in a Supreme Court brief on pages 15-22, which you may read here.
     However, none of that dissuaded Dave Bydalek from attempting to sell the study's dubious conclusions (just after the 3:00 mark) to Brad Ashford — who wasn't buying any of it.

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