statement, released Friday following A&E's revocation of the Duck Dynasty patriarch's suspension:
I am glad to hear that the folks at A&E came to their senses and
recognized that tolerance of religious views is more important than
political correctness. Today (Friday) is a good day for the freedoms of
speech and religious liberty.
The left is going to have to get accustomed to the fact that it does
not have a monopoly on free speech and is not the only group who is
permitted to voice its opinion in the public square. The left may
control Hollywood, but they don't control the hearts and minds of a
majority of Americans.

Here was L.A. Times columnist Michael Hiltzik's
...Most self-respecting political leaders would have run away from
association with such views; that's the essence, after all, of the
"leadership" part of the equation.
Jindal's seven-sentence statement, not a word of defense for gay people
so crudely mocked by Robertson. Not a word to remind us that the life of
black sharecroppers in Louisiana's Jim Crow era was not "godly" or
In January of this year, Jindal lectured his fellow Republicans on the need to "stop being the stupid party."
talked about how the Republican brand had been damaged by its
candidates' "offensive and bizarre comments." That was supposed to
represent the launch of a new GOP outreach to communities that had been
excluded by Republican doctrine, including the gay and minority
But that was 11 months ago. Now, according to Jindal, Republicans are supposed to embrace offensive and bizarre comments.
party's transformation into a marginal and regional movement thus
continues. Jindal has made himself the biggest jackass in the story, and
his career as a national political figure the thing to be laughed at.
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