Friday, March 15, 2013

Video: Nebraska State Senator asks "ex-gay" at hearing if he enjoyed the gay sex; two outbursts by Christian opponents of LGBT antibias laws prompt Cmte Chair to threaten to clear the room

  • audio on this is much clearer if you use headphones;
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  • see all AKSARBENT coverage of yesterday's hearing by clicking the label "2012 NE LGBT antibias bills" at the bottom of this post.
  • Also: Harvard-educated MD: gay males are sluts, so Nebraska shouldn't approve antibias measures benefiting lesbians
  • Dave Bydalek of Family First Nebraska brazenly lies to KETV about LB380, LB385 and LB485
  • LB380 video: NE State Sen. Colby Coash trolls Judiciary Committee, asks if he and Sen. Mark Christensen can adopt a kid together

The first outburst at yesterday's Unicameral Judiciary Committee hearings on LB485, LB385 and LB380 came after Sen. Chambers asked a purportedly ex-gay Lincoln realtor (at about the 4:30 mark): Did you enjoy the [gay] sex that you had?
     This prompted a hearing room disturbance by opponents of LGBT antibias legislation, which elicited the following response by Senator Chambers:
We have a lot of Christians in this room and they do not respect the rules, as they should.
     Chambers' question was one of several intended to demonstrate that the person offering testimony against the bill was actually not an "ex-gay" but a bisexual.
     The second outburst came during Chambers' questioning (at about the 8:27 mark in the video above) of psychologist Dr. Edward Stringham, of Lincoln, who has urged the Board of Mental Health Practice to allow those psychologists who refuse to treat gay patients to be able to also refuse them referrals.
     At that point, Judiciary Committee Chairman Brad Ashford of Omaha, threatened to clear the room.
     The Omaha World-Herald reported that one person shouted that Chambers was filibustering the bills and eating into the time allotted for opposition testimony. (The Judiciary Committee actually spent more time listening to opponents, probably because more questions were asked of them.)
     Chambers, who represents District 11 in Omaha, also uttered what was probably the funniest line at the hearing, below at the 1:58 mark, after assuring the person testifying (at the 1:09 mark) that he had "not a corpuscle of religion in my body."

1 comment:

  1. A 100% straight person and a 100% gay person have one commonality: Neither have the power of choice to transform into the other. In this neither have any actual choice in the matter. On the other hand, in the case of bisexuality, their are two attractions at play. In this a bisexual has the power of choice to be dedicated to one or the other. To commit to one or the other. This while still remaining at heart a bisexual.

