Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Christer Pat Robertson, rich hustler of religion with talkative burning bushes and opinionated snakes, says Muslims 'cannot defend some of the stuff they believe'

You wonder what it is in these Muslims that makes them go crazy when somebody says something about Muhammad, most of which happens to be true... He took his favorite wife when she was either 8 or 9 years old and he was 53. And he began having sexual relations with that 8- or 9-year-old child. And we called that pedophilia in this country, but with him it was like a holy act...
     He had a number of wives and this movie showed him having sexual intercourse with one more more of his wives, and I guess the Muslims got upset about that... they cannot defend some of the stuff they believe... Ishmael, the Bible says, was like a wild donkey. I mean, he was just a wild man. And apparently, that spirit has pervaded these people. And it’s just crazy, but they do it.
AKSARBENT is largely bored by all this pot-can't-call-the-kettle-insane back and forth, but will defend to the death against slurs on donkeys, which are soulful, loyal animals, once you neuter them.

1 comment:

  1. Pat Robertson is named butt plug of the day

