The study, which suspiciously portrays same-sex parents as much worse at child raising than other recent studies have, has instantly become a junk statistic goldmine for gay marriage opponent agitprop.
It was apparently funded with a $35,000 “planning grant” from the Witherspoon Institute, where Princeton academic Robert George is a Senior Fellow.
George is a founder of the virulently homophobic National Organization for Marriage, which has spent millions of dollars to enact state laws banning gay marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships.
Nom is now in court in several states defending its disobedience of campaign finance disclosure laws in order to hide the identities of the handful of anonymous donors who provide most of NOM's money. The information below was posted by Fred Karger, who has been relentless in exposing the Mormon Church's behind-the-scenes, no-fingerprints-left-behind manipulation of antigay politics in state after state
Organizational Chart of Creation of
National Organization for Marriage
President, Mormon Church
Grand Strategist of Mormon Fight Against Same-sex Marriage
Quorum of 12 Mormon Apostles, Salt Lake City, UT
Former President of Brigham Young University (BYU)
Father of Matthew Holland
BYU Professor, Salt Lake City, UT
LDS Connection to NOM, Former Fellow of Robert P. George (2005–6), Went to Professor George to Create NOM and its board
Princeton Professor, Princeton, NJ
Former Teacher of Matthew Holland (2005–6), Put NOM Board together and recruited Staff, Chairman of NOM, Headquartered in Princeton, NJ, NOM Board of Directors
President of NOM, Westchester, NY
Outspoken and Longtime Opponent of Same-sex Marriage, President of Institute for Marriage and Public Policy,
NOM Board of Directors
Executive Director of NOM, Princeton, NJ
Recruited from Family Institute of Connecticut
NOM Board of Directors
Never was a supporter of any gay-lesbian relationship but from what I have seen. I even think they are better parents than normal couples.