Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nick Jonas talks to Advocate interviewer but doesn't tell him anything

Nick Jonas with Rick Dees Playing Golf
Nick Jonas photographed playing golf with DJ Rick
Dees, Valentine's Day, 2011. Dees tweeted that Nick
is "a great golfer and hits it long."
AKSARBENT just finished a spectacularly and doubtless deliberately boring Advocate interview given by the very shrewd Nick Jonas, a clever 19-year-old who certainly knows which of the three words in "show business interview" is most important.

We learned the following provocative revelations: Nick just loves his gay friends and Rick Warren too! And his gay fans have such good taste!

Despite repeated narcoleptic interruptions, AKSARBENT managed to click through until the end and was glad it persevered, as said persistence revealed the only nonsnoozeworthy answer in the entire interview, one which revealed a Clintonesque ability on the part of Jonas to reframe a question in order to deflect it. Emphasis added.
Gay boybanders and pop idols rarely come out at the height of their popularity. If a Jonas Brother came out, what impact might it have on your career?
     The amazing thing about our fans is that they’re incredibly supportive about everything that we do, but I have to separate us from the equation because the three of us aren’t gay. If someone in our position came out, I’d hope that support would carry over and that their fans would love them just the same.

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