Saturday, November 10, 2012

Brian Brown: National Organization for Marriage was outspent in United States, so it's going to pour more of its contributions into Quatar, India and China!

Brian Brown, President and Voodoo Economics
Chief of National Organization for Marriage
In printed excerpts published by the American Independent from a remarkably (and stupidly) candid conference call, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, whose crusades against marriage equality issues just lost in Iowa, Minnesota, Maine, Maryland and Washington State last Tuesday, said that the remedy for being outspent in the US was to pour more money into boycotts against gay-friendly companies like Starbucks in places like India and Quatar. Take note, NOM donors!
     In that American Independent piece, also noted that Brown (presumably behind a long line of foaming, but well-heeled teabaggers who want their $390,000,000 back) ripped Karl Rove:
“I think that the Republican Party in general was sold a false bill of goods this election, and the notion that we should only talk about economic issues gained the day,” Brown said. “This was really sort of Karl Rove’s strategy. There was hundreds of millions of dollars raised for outside groups, and they wanted everyone to stay on message on jobs. … Clearly it was a mistake, because it didn’t work.”

1 comment:

  1. Bose in St. Peter MNNovember 10, 2012 at 1:45 AM

    Best of all, Brown & Schubert admitted that NOM has never been, and only holds vague hopes of becoming, a grassroots organization.

