Now the tension has been ratcheted down a few clicks. From the joint statement republished on state GOP Chairman Mark Fahleson's blog:
- The NEGOP and RLCNE will not engage in nor encourage and will actively discourage any kind of dilatory or disruptive tactics that could interfere with the mutual goal of an orderly and efficient convention.
- Based upon assurances provided by the RLCNE, the NEGOP has reconsidered and withdrawn its plan to hire additional security officers for the NEGOP Convention.
The GOP convention will be held, predictably, at Grand Island's Riverside Country Club, 2820 Riverside Drive.Nebraska Republican State Convention Friday, July 13, 2012 at 5:00 PM - Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 7:00 PM (CT) Grand Island, NE
Professional Parliamentarians are more then welcome to come.
More from the Ron Paul supporters:
Fish Sister Streaming (They're driving 9 hours to be there. So if you're a delegate, you have NO excuse not to come. If they can put in the effort so can you.)
Live Stream Chip-In
Problems Paul supporters will be facing
1 Jordan McGrain - executive director of the Nebraska GOP
2 Chairman Mark Fahleson (We tried to replace him, but were not successful)
3 Rented ballot-counting machines will be used to count the votes at the convention (See: , ,,
4 Watch out for Charlie Cheater. He may be there.
5 In a joint statement from Mark Fahleson and Laura Ebke, it states that "The RLCNE will discourage those wishing to attend the NEGOP Convention for the purpose of intimidation, agitation or monitoring from attending." I really hope that by "monitoring" they don't mean live streaming or checking if the voting machines counts are accurate. (See:
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