Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sean Harris, North Carolina Baptist 'Beat your gay kid' pastor, issues Official Statement of Retraction and Response to Fayetteville Observer

After yelling the following at the fathers in his congregation, Liberty University graduate Sean Harris says he wasn't really saying what he said, that it was taken out of context, that it was a joke, that his congregants didn't take him seriously, and that everyone in his church supports him:
Can I make it any clearer? Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up! Give him a good punch! OK?
In his retraction, Harris said:
I do not apologize for the manner in which the word of god articulates sexual immorality including homosexuality and effeminacy as behavior that is an abomination to god.
Harris also said:
"I tell my son all the time 'The only reason you're still alive is because your mom's here.' "
The union of two dudes is not good for America. Gays and lesbians are not prohibited from loving each other. They're doing it already in the most sick and ungodly way... I know that I'm going to offend somebody right now, but quite frankly I don't care. If you are a single dude, start praying about who god wants you to marry. Right now. You got two options. Number one, get married. Or number two, give your entire life to the cause of Christ. Those are your two options.

Jon Stewart ridicules North Carolina's Amendment One initiative to "protect marriage." Video here.

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