Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fayetteville, NC 'Beat Your Gay Kid' preacher Sean Harris cited columnist Leonard Pitts, but Pitts calls out people like Harris: 'the moral and intellectual laziness of throwing rocks, then hiding inside scripture'

Powerpoint slide citing Miami Herald Columnist Leonard Pitts
used by Fayetteville Baptist preacher Sean Harris during
screaming rant urging fathers to punch their effeminate sons
and crack their wrists
Fayetteville, North Carolina's Beat-the-gay-out-of-your-kid Baptist preacher Sean Harris used a quotation by Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts (left) to prop up his ugly antigay rant which subsequently went viral.
     Apparently Paster Sean is too stupid to know that Pitts has a gay brother, supports gay people and has unbridled contempt for people like Harris, a haranguing, strutting, abusive simpleton who is a product of Liberty University.
     On Tuesday, Leonard Pitts published a column excoriating people like Sean Harris:
Many in North Carolina — many around the country — are swimming against the tide of human freedom and blaming God for it. Again, this is not a new thing. We saw it back when God was for segregation and against women’s suffrage.
     How convenient it must be to lay your own narrowness and smallness off on God, to accept no responsibility for the niggardly nature of your own soul. Vines’ video is a welcome, overdue and eloquent rebuke of the moral and intellectual laziness of throwing rocks, then hiding inside Scripture. It is a reminder, too.
     You don’t go to the Bible to hide. You go there to seek.

Read more here:
Pitts recommended to his readers a speech by Matthew Vines delivered at College Hill United Methodist Church in Wichita Kansas on March 8, 2012, writing:
Vines’ speech is a masterwork of scriptural exegesis and a marvel of patient logic, slicing and dicing with surgical precision the claim that homophobia is God ordained. So effective is the video that after viewing it, Sandra Delemares a Christian blogger from the United Kingdom who had, for years, spoken in staunch opposition to same sex marriage, wrote that it “revolutionised” her thinking.

Read more here:
The transcript is here:

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