Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Same-sex marriage in New York: two senate votes away

NYC Levis' window display via HRC
Americablog Gay takes note of the New York Times' report of how close gay marriage is to being approved in the most populous East Coast state and adds its view of what the GOP must do.
    Republican senators voted unanimously against same-sex marriage two years ago, but several have indicated in recent weeks that they are undecided. Speaking with reporters on Monday, Dean G. Skelos, the Senate majority leader, said that if a same-sex marriage bill came to the floor, each Republican senator would be free to vote his or her conscience, but he added that he had not formally asked his members where they stood.
This is a big development. The Governor and Democrats are delivering their vote. It's up to the GOP now. Skelos and his caucus are going to be making a political calculation over the next couple days -- and it will have huge ramifications. It's clear where the trendline is heading. What's unclear is whether NY's GOP Senators want to get on the right side.

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