'Hunky Jesus' Contest in San Francisco Mocks Christianity on Easter Sunday, but Don't Look for 'Hunky Muhammad' Contest Anytime Soon
Contact: Peter LaBarbera,
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, 630-717-7631,
CHICAGO, April 21, 2011 /
Christian Newswire/ -- This Easter Sunday in San Francisco's Delores Park, Christianity-spoofing homosexual drag queen "nuns" calling themselves the "
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" will stage their annual "Hunky Jesus" contest -- mocking the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ -- as shirtless men in "crucifixion" costumes parade on stage in an atmosphere of haughty, homoerotic humor.
The profane and shockingly insensitive spectacle illustrates the secular, pro-"gay" Left's hypocrisy in demanding "respect" for homosexuals and transsexuals -- even as they cynically mock Christ and true religion on the holiest day of the year for Christians, says Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).
"There's nothing that delights arrogant, pro-homosexual liberals more than
making fun of Bible-believing Christians -- as evidenced by this blasphemous Easter 'contest,'" LaBarbera said. "Of course, it goes without saying that these defiant champions of 'tolerance and diversity' wouldn't dare hold a 'Hunky Muhammad' contest during Ramadan -- so it seems even envelope-pushing, in-your-face, pro-perversion libertines know their limits. (Muslims: beware: LGBT activists will end up hating you as much as they hate Christians.)"
LaBarbera said the "Hunky Jesus" contest [watch
YouTube HERE] symbolizes the contempt that many homosexual militants have for God and religion. Politically this translates into their growing advocacy of pro-homosexuality laws that use State power to crush Americans' historic religious and First Amendment liberties -- i.e., to reject homosexuality and other immoral, destructive behaviors.
"Gay activists are out of the closet in their plans to criminalize Christianity insofar as it relates to their particular politically-correct sin," he said, "One way they do that is by reviling and ridiculing committed Christians and others who oppose homosexuality -- portraying them as sociopaths and the heartless equivalent of deranged racists. But the fact that African-Americans now poll strongest against 'same-sex marriage' throws a wrench into this evil 'frame.'"
LaBarbera said the "Hunky Jesus" contest -- despicable as it is -- actually is less threatening to Christendom than the escalating campaign by LGBT activists to re-define Christianity and other religions as "gay-friendly."
"Homosexual political groups are strategizing on how best to persuade evangelicals that supporting pro-homosexuality-laws including 'same-sex marriage' is part of the Christian's duty to 'love thy neighbor,'" he said. "Who knew that creating a system of superior legal 'rights' based on a sin that God's own Word, the Bible, says is 'detestable' was part of the divine plan?!
"Truth is, the most compassionate thing a Christian can do for people practicing homosexuality is to reach out to them with the Gospel -- with an uncompromising 'tough love' that says proud homosexuality is never part of God's plan for anyone's life. The same Jesus Christ whom the San Francisco liberals mock not only will judge them one day -- but He has helped countless men and women -- like
Trace McNutt and
Denise Jones -- leave homosexuality behind."
And here is an "unofficial" response from The Artist Formerly Known As Sister Boom Boom:
Assalaamu Aleikum!
First of all the Sisters would like to thank Peter
La Barbaria for all the free publicity he is providing for our Hunky Jesus Contest. Even in the most reactionary communities and families there are brilliant young queer children aching for something truly revolutionary, a chance to be utterly glamorous, and to royally piss off their uptight, puritanical parents. The Sisters often declare their love for Peter and especially appreciate Mr.
La Babar's effectiveness in getting news and images of the Sisters to those children. Of course we don't hate anybody, but his saying we do is a great way to grab the interest of angry resentful children, and we have much experience in helping GLBT youngsters work through their anger to find a more joyous spiritual path.
Sister ZsaZsa's blog |
However, as much as Mr.
La Barbarella is promoting our appeal to rebellious youth, it is not really our intention or purpose to offend Christians. Many of our friends and fans are Christians as are some of the Sisters. It's not even our intention or purpose to offend uptight, humorless prigs, though we often do so by suggesting that the Deity has a sense of humor. After all, God created a garden of paradise for us, declared His/Her love for us, and created such laughably bizarre creatures as the platypus, the naked mole rat, and Sarah Palin. But our mission is not to offend. Rather we are dedicated to the expiation of stigmatic guilt and the promulgation of universal joy. Still, we do understand that any sort of liberating theology is offensive to those who want to keep others under their thumbs. Offending prudes and tyrants is not our purpose, but we consider it a bit of a bonus.
As nearly all of us grew up in Christian-dominated America, many of us come from Christian backgrounds, and we include a number of believing Christians,
some still active in their respective churches, we are all familiar with the ideas and images of Christian culture. These are for us the best vehicles for promoting our ideal of a God who loves and laughs. We also have some Jewish sisters and since nearly all Americans have some familiarity with Jewish culture - if only through sit-coms - we sometimes include some Jewish humor. And why not? It couldn't hurt!
La Boobaria is correct that we seem to neglect our Muslim brothers and sisters, many of whom are clearly in need of a good laugh. We must confess that we don't have the same sort of inside knowledge of Islamic culture as we do of Christian and Jewish cultures. From "The Axis of Evil Comedy Tour"
to "Little Mosque on the Prairie" we've seen that plenty of Muslims can take a joke and deliver one, too. We trust that, especially in the current political ferment, our Islamic friends will find their voice, their humor, and their own ways of standing up to pompous prigs and puritans, to assert that the one true God who is all mercy and compassion also loves a good laugh.
Maa salaama.