Monday, February 7, 2011

Australian researchers supercharge mouse immune system to rid it of HIV-like infection

The mice were cured of an HIV-like illness

A study published in the journal Cell Friday  found that boosting the immune systems of mice with an HIV-like infection cured them of the disease.

     Scientists at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Australia said their findings could help develop drugs to help people rid their bodies of infections such as HIV, hepatitis B and C and tuberculosis.

     In mice infected with the HIV-like illness, they looked at the role of IL-7, a naturally-occurring immune hormone. 

    In the face of an infection such as HIV, a gene called SOCS-3 halts the immune system.

     However, it was found that boosting the levels of IL-7 switched off the gene and allowed the mice to gradually fight the illness.
(Pink News)    

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