The rumor dates to March of 2010 and has been thoroughly debunked by the Girl Scouts, but both the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute and the Family Research Council are hanging on to the smear like junkyard dogs, so eager are they to establish links, no matter how false, between their boogie woman, Planned Parenthood, and other organizations, even if doing do defunds valuable programs for Girl Scouts all across America.
Family Research Council's Cathy Ruse smeared Girl Scouts with baseless lie |
It was neat trick: first the FRC promoted a toxic rumor, then "reported" on legitimate news accounts of the rumor's damage, while concealing the source and the full account to avoid having its ruse exposed. (Here is the two-year-old smear, renewed again today on the FRC's website (the embedded link busting the FRC's phony accusation was added by AKSARBENT):
It looks like liberals finally got caught with their hands in the cookie jar! After people like FRC's Cathy Ruse started exposing the connection between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood, more customers are pulling their support from the annual fundraiser. One news outlet in Idaho, says more than 200 people have complained, bringing cookie sales to one of their lowest points. Shelli Rambo Roberson, the CEO of the local Council, claims there's no partnership. It's just a "rumor," she told reporters.Not so, says Cathy, who has plenty of documentation from a special U.N. "Girls Only" workshop co-hosted by Planned Parenthood and the Girl Scouts. The workshop included a graphic sex manual called "Healthy, Happy, and Hot," full of ideas too pornographic to repeat. It's part of a joint project to bring "better sexual health" to girls as young as 10. And while some troop leaders are committed to raising women of integrity, we can't turn a blind eye to the Girl Scout headquarters, which is bombarding girls with topics like abortion, contraception, and homosexuality.
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