Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Romney beats Santorum in Iowa Caucuses by 8 votes; Vote by county; Iowa GOP: no recount

The Des Moines Register has published an awesome map
breaking down the county votes three different ways
and putting Google's county breakdown map to shame.
GOP officials were hoping for a 150,000-voter turnout yesterday; they got 123,000 which is a record, they are quick to point out, but it is only about 4,000 more than in 2008 and only about half of the number (239,000) of Iowa Democrats who attended the caucuses that year.
     At least one Iowa GOP voter told an Omaha television station that she boycotted the caucuses because of the constant robocalls to her home.
     Since the Iowa caucuses are only a popularity contest and don't determine delegates, it is improbable that any candidate would request a recount. If they do, it won't happen, according to state GOP official Doug Heye, who said yesterday that since votes were counted under the supervision of campaign representatives, who certified the totals and double-checked when reported to state officials, there is no need to recheck them.

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