Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Brian Brown, of the National Organization for Marriage, wants you to know he's higher than a kite

AWOL from the million-dollar, five-acre mini-estate he inhabits in Great Falls, Virginia, Brian Brown, of the National Organization for Marriage, jetted into Des Moines to help Bob Vander Plaats and Chuck Hurley attack gay Iowans yesterday.
     In not-very-well-prepared remarks, Brown said he was taking the "30,000" foot view, which would indeed have made him higher than a kite.
     This would go a long way toward explaining Brown's assertion, "We are walking in the same steps as William Wilberforce, who, in the late 1800s, stood up and said 'NO' to the slave trade..."
     A truly remarkable revelation, since by the late 1800s there was no slave trade in the U.S. Also, Wilberforce was British. Also, he died in 1833. Also, he disapproved of women in the abolition movement, Catholics holding public office, and the printing of newspapers on Sunday.
     Brown went on to say: "We were born to speak truth to power"
     AKSARBENT would be happy if Brown and the National Organization for Marriage would speak the truth to the States of Maine and Minnesota, which are investigating NOM for refusing to comply with their laws governing the disclosure of the identities of NOM's multi-million dollar donations from wealthy, anonymous benefactors.

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