
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

What happened when we told ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence program, to write a gay comedy scene

AKSARBENT tried to trick the artificial intelligence program, chatgpt, but wasn't able to.
     However we learned that although the program has a truly lousy sense of humor, it is capable of coming up with a surprisingly edgy line (second from last). 

The request: Write comedy scene in which Tom mistakes Rick, the straight twin brother of Tom’s gay boyfriend Jeff, for Jeff

The result:

[Setting: A busy coffee shop. Tom is sitting at a table, scrolling through his phone. Rick, Jeff's straight twin brother, enters and spots Tom.]

Rick: [Waves] Hey, Tom!

Tom: [Looks up and smiles] Hey, Jeff! [Stands up to give him a hug]

Rick: [Looking confused] Uh, I'm not Jeff, I'm Rick, his twin brother.

Tom: [Embarrassed] Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I thought you were Jeff.

Rick: [Laughs] Don't worry about it, man. Happens all the time.

Tom: [Sits back down, looking mortified] I can't believe I just did that. I mean, you guys look so alike.

Rick: [Sits down across from Tom] Yeah, we get that a lot. But I'm the straight one, so you're safe.

Tom: [Nervously] Oh, right. Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just that Jeff and I have been dating for a few months now, and I guess I'm just used to seeing his face.

Rick: [Smirks] Well, I'm flattered, but I think you're more into my brother than me.

Tom: [Blushes] No, no, it's not like that. I mean, Jeff and I are happy together, and I would never want to do anything to mess that up.

Rick: [Pats Tom on the back] I know, man, I'm just messing with you. Jeff talks about you all the time, and he's really into you too.

Tom: [Smiles] He is?

Rick: [Laughs] Yeah, he is. So don't worry about mistaking me for him. Just make sure you never mistake me for his boyfriend.

Tom: [Laughs] I won't, I promise.

[They both laugh and continue chatting, while Tom glances over at the door every few minutes to make sure Jeff isn't walking in.]

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