
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Gay 1/6 insurrectionist Brandon Straka 'brutalized
and destroyed' by ban from five Omaha hair salons

Gay insurrectionist Brandon Straka (Can we call him a "coupier"?), who is now on federal probation well into 2025 for his role in the 1/6 DC coup attempt, is now whining on YouTube about being banned from all five Omaha area locations of Garbo's, a hair salon, despite the fact that he is a "big tipper." From his video:
It’s considered socially acceptable to ban me, to cancel me or to prevent me from being able to receive goods and services like a normal member of society.
NE02 Rep. Don Bacon and Omaha Mayor
Jean Stothert at Straka Walkaway rally in 2021
Straka is a Trumper and the founder of Walkaway, a social media campaign to con Democrats into becoming Republicans, kind of like those Jews for Jesus salesmen. Walkaway had more than 500,000 followers before Facebook got rid of it. From Wiki: 
In 2019, Straka said WalkAway does not receive major donations and that "everything is grassroots support from Americans who send us $5 or $100." In May 2020, OpenSecrets reported that of the $20,104 donated to WalkAway in 2020, a total of $7,521 was contributed by nine donors who gave $200 or more.

Brandon is performatively upset because no far right mucky mucks are yet yelling about his crucifixion by Omaha hair stylists.

'...most of them will never talk about this because they’re too afraid despite all of their platitudes about fighting the left, they’re too afraid to stand up for somebody who is being brutalized and destroyed by the left.'

We at AKSARBENT are not privy to the innermost machinations of the far right, thank goodness, but we have a perfectly reasonable theory: although Straka repeatedly pointed out in the video below that he was only convicted of a disturbing-the-peace misdemeanor, what he didn't say is that he dropped a roll of dimes on a bunch of people to get out from under a federal felony charge. Perhaps some of his right wing fellow travelers now consider him a rat fink, ya think?

As for the persecution politics of purportedly left-wing Garbo's, we're not completely convinced. Maybe they aren't left wing at all. Maybe they just don't like cutting the hair of big time snitches.

(Hat tip: @cynicalgirl)

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