Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Onlookers cheer arrest of professional homophobe, Peter LaBarbera, charged with mischief at U. of Regina after being told to leave

Even though Canada's hate speech laws must have been explained to him during his brief border detention and (by virtue of that detention) he must have known that he would be watched closely, LaBarbera still made sure he was arrested, even sporting a tee-shirt silk-screened in advance, portraying himself as a victim.

From the CBC:
     ...Before their arrival, the university issued a news release saying the pair would be monitored to ensure they did not engage in any activity that would promote hatred.
     At one point, with news cameras rolling, an unidentified university official approached Whatcott, 46, and LaBarbera, 51, and asked them to leave. During that encounter, Whatcott said he had attempted to get permission to set up an information table and, since he was denied, proceeded to set up a table anyway.
     ..."I'm not leaving," Whatcott told the official, "You guys are intolerant and should be ashamed of yourselves for shutting down our message without even considering it."
     A short while later, several Regina police officers arrived and Whatcott and LaBarbera were handcuffed and taken off campus.
     University officials defended their decision to call police.
     "We are a diverse campus, we are a welcoming campus," Tom Chase, one of the vice presidents of the university said. "We celebrate that diversity and our staff felt that the material and some of the things they had with them simply contravened that policy and we asked them to leave."
Bill Whatcott is a well-known Canadian anti-abortion, anti-gay activist who, in his youth, prostituted himself to other males and who once defecated on a document before sending it to Canada's Governor General.

1 comment:

  1. Gays are found throughout history. For the first time ever - finally - they're almost worldwide! Wow!
    This global gaydom is even foretold in the Bible - predicted by Jesus (see "days of Lot" in Luke 17 and compare with Genesis 19).
    And the Hebrew prophet Zechariah (14th chapter) says that during the same gay "days" ALL nations will come against Israel and fulfill the "days of Noah" at the same time (see Luke 17 again) - a short time of anti-Jewish genocide found in Zechariah 13:8 when two-thirds of all Jews will die.
    In other words, when "gay days" have become universal, all hell will break loose!
    Shockingly, the same "days" will lead to and trigger the "end of days" - and when they begin, human government will quickly wind down in just a few short years. For the first time in history there won't be enough time for anyone to expect to live long enough to be able to attend college, have kids and grand-kids, save for and enjoy retirement, etc.
    One final thought. The more we see gays "coming out," the sooner Jesus will be "coming down"!
    (For more, Google or Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up," "Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality. When gays have birthdays...," and "FOR GAYS ONLY: Jesus Predicted...")

