Monday, March 4, 2013

NOM: Chuckles The Brown screws up some email boilerplate, also will spam Iowa state senators with demands from voters who don't live in Iowa

NOM's Brian Brown
Photo source
Looks like the National Organization for Marriage's president, Chuckles The Brown, is just going through the motions these days. Maybe those alleged 80-hour workweeks are finally getting to him.
      NOM's new scheme is trying to convince lots of people who mostly don't live in Iowa to waste the time of Iowa Senators who don't represent them by sending them emails about dumping marriage equality in the Hawkeye State. (Not direct emails, of course, but emails originating on NOM web forms.)
     What NOM is really doing, obviously, is building its email list with the names of suckers who think Iowa senators for whom they can't cast a vote care what they think — a list of marks they may need if NOM's sugar daddies don't come through again this year on account of the fact that Chuckles the Brown lost marriage equality battles in one, two, three four states in 2012.
     Hence the real threat that NOM might have to try, somehow, to become an actual grass roots organization instead of a fake one.
     What a bitch that would be!

Speaking of Hawkeyes, NOM's Vice President of Boilerplate either screwed up big time or is deliberately lying to NOM's potential supporters.
     The newest form letter from NOM to those Iowa senators who didn't cosponsor the latest GOP state senate attack on marriage equality in the state says this:

      This past November showed just how strongly Iowans feel about this issue, as for the first time in Iowa history voters ousted three sitting Supreme Court justices — because of their votes to impose same-sex marriage on the state.

     The truth, of course, is that the only justice who voted for gay marriage and was up for retention last November was David Wiggins, and he was retained, despite the best efforts (60-second video) of NOM and Bob Vander Plaats and Tamara Scott.
     The three justices referred to in NOM's form email were dumped over two years ago, not last November.
     Oh, the good times NOM had in 2010!

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