Thursday, April 12, 2012

Trial of Paris Anding in killing of Marcellus Andrews:
a fight of estranged couple that had little to do with either Andrews or Anding

In day two of the trial of Paris Anding, accused of killing Marcellus Andrews with one swing of a red baseball bat to the back of Andrews' head, testimony revealed a running series of confrontations between Anding's friend, Michael Snow, and his baby mama, Tudia Simpson, Marcellus Andrews' friend.

From Jeff Reinitz of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier:
Snow and Simpson were allegedly in a vehicle chase that ended when Simpson smashed out the back window of Snow’s Delta 88 with a rake. Simpson and her cousin, Nakita Wright, then approached Snow at Phillips’ home. Andrews drove the two, according to Wright.
     After that incident got defused, Snow, Phillips, Anding and others then showed up at Wright’s Cottage Street home at about 12:45 a.m. Phillips allegedly yelled gay slurs at Andrews, who was looking after the house while Simpson and Wright walked a block over to investigate a commotion.
     The two heard the yelling and returned to the house.
      Black Hawk County Attorney Tom Ferguson said a number of fights broke out, and Anding swung a red baseball bat, striking Andrews in the back of the head. Andrews fell to the ground, and Jeremy Lowe then allegedly kicked Andrews in the head.
     Andrews died a few days later at the hospital.

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