Thursday, May 26, 2011

National Organization for Marriage defector Louis J. Marinelli announces tour to support marriage equality; plans to speak in St. Louis, Des Moines and Omaha

(Via Joe.My.God; see blog list)

Louis J. Martinelli, who built NOM's facebook page, is planning a nationwide series of speaking engagements to counter his former employer's efforts to outlaw gay marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships.
Last year, I helped organize the 2010 Summer for Marriage Tour with the National Organization for Marriage. Over the course of 30 days, we traveled more than 10,000 miles to spread a discriminatory message I once believed in to oppose same-sex marriage.

Ironically, it was that very summer tour that led me to change my mind and come to support marriage equality. This new tour will serve as a testimony to that change and will seek to spread two messages.

Firstly, that marriage equality is not an ideological issue. Too many see support for gay rights as strictly a liberal issue. That’s a mistake. Supporting the constitutional rights of all citizens is a conservative issue, too.

Secondly, the tour will seek to demonstrate to conservative legislators across the country that more and more people are coming to support marriage equality. Eventually, that truth will start reflecting changes among conservatives, too. If I, an opinionated conservative can change my mind, it won’t be long before many other conservatives do, too. Not to mention independents.

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